Maximizing Skill Sets
In team-based care, practices maximize the use of the full skillset of key staff such as MAs and RNs to enhance patient care and increase efficiency and effectiveness.
Are key staff such as MAs and RNs engaging their full set of skills to meet patient needs in your practice?
No? Start with your MAs since they are present in almost all practices. Use the MA Module and Planned Care Module to guide you.
Medical Assistant (MA) Learning Module
If you have RNs, increase their involvement in managing patients with chronic illnesses. Use the RN Module and Care Management Module and this resource: “Registered Nurses in Primary Care: Emerging New Roles and Contributions to Team-Based Care in High-Performing Practices” to guide you.
Registered Nurse (RA) Learning Module
Not sure? Take the Primary Care Team Guide Assessment to find out how well your practice is maximizing the skills of your MAs and RNs.